Study for PSI and the WV Real Estate License Exam
The following is a transcript of the below posted video on how to go about studying for the WV Real Estate License Exam. Most of us LOVE videos so if you want the polished version, with pictures, cartoons, and music simply click play and watch the video. However, If you want to read it, feel free to continue reading through the blog post!
How to properly study for the WV Real Estate License Exam provided by PSI/GoAMP
So perhaps you’re confused when you hear me say to study but NOT to memorize the questions” because you won’t see them worded like that ever again on the WV Real Estate License Exam” So I thought I’d make a brief study tips video.
Q-“So, what’s the point of your questions?”
A- The point of the questions is they illustrate concepts that you should have learned in the unit’s material preparing for the WV Real Estate License Exam.
Q-“Why don’t you change your questions?”
A- Well we do change our questions, but is that ever going to keep up with PSI’s precise wordings that they will have on the WV Real Estate License Exam? No. And let me show you why…
This is a PSI Question Bank illustration to hopefully show you the magnitude of what you’re up against and develop a game plan for when you take take the WV Real Estate License Exam. Just like you can place money in a bank, PSI places questions in a bank.The testing center places tens of thousands of questions into a question bank and randomizes them so that you will literally have NO IDEA the questions that they will ask
Now when you show up at the testing center to take your WV Real Estate License Exam, will you EVER see ALL of these otherwise hidden questions in their banks? NO. But you WILL see 150 of them, the problem is you will NEVER know where those 150 questions are pulled from. So, is memorizing 100,000 random questions you find in this course and online practical? No, and it’s impossible. But YOU CAN LEARN the course content so that it can be applied to the randomness that will absolutely be coming at you at these testing center
There are NO shortcuts with PSI/GoAMP
There is no question bank set you can learn from anywhere that will give you the exact questions you will see from PSI on their version of the WV Real Estate License Exam… and it’s a waste of time because instead of memorizing wordings for 30,000 questions you could of just learned some important foundation of this stuff.
Q-“Why are questions still important regardless of them not being exact?”
A- Because they illustrate the way it plays out. You wouldn’t want to JUST study content and never see a question!?
You should know every answer and why it’s wrong or right. Seriously… that’s the first step of understanding and knowing you’re not memorizing simply a right order or letter C, etc. you need to be able to comprehend the terms they’re using on the WV Real Estate License Exam to throw you off. So, knowing the wrong answers and why they’re wrong is JUST AS IMPORTANT as why an answer is right. Let me show you what I mean…
According to law, a trade fixture is usually treated as
- a fixture.
- an easement.
- personalty.
- a license.
Now the answer is personalty but even if you don’t know that yet, follow my logic here- what other key concepts can be illustrated by this “simple” question… at SOME POINT YOU SHOULD KNOW trade Fixture, Fixture, Easement, License, (and Personalty)
In total 5 massive concepts are illustrated here…
and you should KNOW each one. That’s right… you don’t ONLY need to know the right answers, you need to know the wrong answers enough that you understand why they’re wrong, and you need to be able to do that for every question in the course.
Now don’t get so disheartened at first. These concepts are learned over time as the course progresses (baby steps) so if you don’t know EVERY right and wrong answer at first, be persistent, wait until later when you are learning other terms and other concepts in the course and then look back at older questions, THEY SHOULD BE COMING TOGETHER AT SOME POINT and you should be able to read why wrong answers are wrong.
If you find yourself always going to the correct answer for no reason except for memorization, take a breath and look at the wrong answers and mentally go over WHY they’re wrong and what they are. There is a ton of knowledge in the wrong answers and at the testing centers when you go to take your WV Real Estate License Exam and they throw anything at you, these questions actually helped you learn something.
Now all the future questions that you’ve never seen before can contain concepts you know.
Let me show you a glimpse into reality here…
Here’s a review that we’ve got. I’m not going to read it word for word but I wanted to point out a few of the big things that are written in it. One, the student says that he didn’t see any of our questions on the PSI test. Am I sweating that, No. Why? Because he also goes on to give our online course a five-star review for the quality of the course and he goes on to say that he did pass PSI on his first attempt. Why?… He gets what I am outlining here on the way to pass the WV Real Estate License Exam. This is one reason that I’m a huge advocate of the terminology in the course. So how do you conquer the terminology?
Well you could
1) make notecards
2) buy notecards
3) use apps that are virtual notecards
You’re learning Real Estate Language for this test
Did you ever take Spanish in high school? How did you learn the language? Well guess what? You’re learning real estate language here and it can be twisted and manipulated in many many ways so you must take advantage of the terminology. Now you want some tips for note-cards?
Let me show you this. The number one rule for this massive amount of content is to pace yourself. Personally, I feel that 20 note cards a day is a manageable stack. It doesn’t make me feel too overwhelmed. As you go over your 20 cards. Separate the ones you understand from the ones you don’t understand and then go back over the stack that you didn’t quite get.
You can then shift that pile you didn’t understand into the pile you did and call it a day. In a month. You’ve covered 600 cards. If you rush this it’s easy to become overwhelmed. If you pace yourself you’ll find that it is able to be done and at end of a month you’ll be pleasantly surprised that the stack of cards that you know.
OK, so hopefully this helps a little with your plan. Do the course as outlined in your timeline. Do the activities. On the side, be learning your 20 note cards each day. I realize it’s not easy. The content is sometimes dry, but you know what? It’s online! Pause it, take a break, come back when you feel fresh! No one said you had to do it in a week! That’s why you’re enrolled for a year from the day you sign up!!!!
Good luck. If you need me. Text me, jump into the chat-room, email me, call me. It’s frightening how available I am to answer questions! Have at it!